Who will Donald Trump choose as his running mate? | US News

As the 2020 Presidential election draws nearer, speculation is growing about who President Donald Trump will choose as his running mate. With Vice President Mike Pence currently serving as his second-in-command, many are wondering if Trump will stick with Pence for the upcoming election or choose a new running mate.

One of the strongest contenders for the position is former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley. Haley has been a vocal supporter of Trump and has a strong conservative track record. She also has experience working in the Trump administration, which could make her a valuable asset on the campaign trail.

Another potential candidate is Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas. Cotton is a staunch conservative and has been a strong ally of Trump in the Senate. His military background and foreign policy experience could make him an appealing pick for Trump, who has focused heavily on national security and foreign policy issues during his presidency.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina is also being considered as a potential running mate for Trump. Scott is the only African American Republican in the Senate and has been a vocal advocate for criminal justice reform and economic opportunity for minority communities. His selection could help Trump appeal to a broader base of voters.

Other potential candidates include Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa. Each of these candidates brings their own strengths and could potentially help Trump secure a victory in the upcoming election.

Ultimately, the decision of who to choose as a running mate will be up to President Trump. He will likely consider factors such as loyalty, experience, and the ability to appeal to a broad range of voters. With the election rapidly approaching, Trump’s choice for a running mate will be a crucial decision that could impact the outcome of the election.