Unearthed video raises questions about alleged Saudi ties to 9/11 | World News

A recently unearthed video has once again raised questions about alleged Saudi ties to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The video, which was filmed in 1991, shows a Saudi diplomat discussing the possibility of using planes as weapons against the United States.

The diplomat, Saudi Ambassador to the United States Prince Bandar bin Sultan, is seen in the video talking to an American official about the potential use of planes in a terrorist attack. The video has sparked speculation about whether the Saudi government had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks or even played a role in them.

The Saudi government has long denied any involvement in the 9/11 attacks, but the video has renewed calls for further investigation into the matter. Some experts believe that there may have been individuals within the Saudi government who were sympathetic to the terrorists behind the attacks.

The 9/11 attacks, which took place on September 11, 2001, were carried out by 19 terrorists affiliated with the extremist group al-Qaeda. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people and caused widespread devastation in New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania.

In the years since the attacks, there have been numerous conspiracy theories and allegations of Saudi involvement. Some critics have pointed to the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens as evidence of possible Saudi government complicity.

The Saudi government has consistently denied any involvement in the attacks, and Saudi officials have dismissed the allegations as baseless. However, the recent video has reignited speculation and calls for further investigation.

The 9/11 attacks remain one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in modern history, and the families of the victims continue to seek answers and justice. The recent discovery of the video has added a new layer of complexity to the ongoing debate over Saudi Arabia’s role in the attacks.

As the debate continues, it is clear that the issue of alleged Saudi ties to the 9/11 attacks will remain a contentious and divisive topic. The families of the victims, as well as the American public, deserve answers and transparency when it comes to such a significant and tragic event in our nation’s history.