Two Mohamed al Fayed accusers say doctor who ‘carried out intrusive medical examinations’ has ‘massive questions to answer’ | UK News

Two individuals who have accused Mohamed al Fayed of sexual assault have spoken out against the doctor who allegedly carried out intrusive medical examinations on them. The accusers claim that the doctor must answer for his actions and face consequences for his role in the alleged abuse.

The accusers, who have chosen to remain anonymous, have come forward to share their experiences of being examined by the doctor at the behest of al Fayed. They allege that the examinations were invasive and made them feel uncomfortable and violated.

One of the accusers, a former employee of al Fayed, claims that she was subjected to multiple medical examinations by the doctor without her consent. She describes feeling humiliated and degraded by the experience, and believes that the doctor should be held accountable for his actions.

The other accuser, who was also a former employee of al Fayed, alleges that she too was subjected to intrusive examinations by the doctor. She states that she felt coerced into undergoing the examinations and was not given the option to refuse.

Both accusers have called for a thorough investigation into the doctor’s conduct and for him to face consequences for his role in the alleged abuse. They believe that he should be held accountable for his actions and should not be allowed to continue practicing medicine without facing repercussions.

In response to the allegations, a spokesperson for al Fayed has denied any wrongdoing on his part and has stated that he will cooperate fully with any investigations into the matter. The spokesperson also emphasized that al Fayed takes any allegations of misconduct seriously and will take appropriate action if necessary.

The accusers hope that by speaking out about their experiences, they can bring attention to the issue of medical professionals being used to carry out abuse and manipulation. They believe that the doctor in question has “massive questions to answer” and should not be allowed to continue practicing without facing consequences for his actions.

Overall, this case highlights the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions, especially when it comes to matters of abuse and misconduct. The accusers are determined to seek justice and ensure that the doctor who allegedly carried out intrusive medical examinations faces the consequences of his actions.