Public warned to stay away after dead minke whale washes up on Lossiemouth West Beach | UK News

A dead minke whale has washed up on Lossiemouth West Beach in the UK, prompting authorities to warn the public to stay away from the area.

The 20-foot long whale was discovered by a member of the public on Tuesday morning, and authorities have since cordoned off the area to prevent people from getting too close to the carcass.

The cause of death of the whale is not yet known, but experts from the Scottish Marine Animal Strandings Scheme are planning to conduct a post-mortem examination to determine the cause.

Minke whales are a common sight in UK waters, but it is rare for one to wash up dead on a beach. The species is protected under UK law, and it is illegal to disturb or interfere with a dead whale.

Authorities are urging the public to stay away from the whale and to report any sightings of dead marine mammals to the appropriate authorities. They are also reminding people to keep their distance from any dead animals they may come across on the beach, as they can pose a health risk.

The discovery of the dead minke whale is a sad reminder of the importance of protecting our marine environment and the creatures that call it home. It serves as a stark reminder of the impact that human activities can have on marine life.

The public is being urged to respect the closure of the beach and to allow the authorities to carry out their investigations. Hopefully, the post-mortem examination will shed light on the cause of death of the whale and help to prevent similar incidents in the future.

In the meantime, it is important for everyone to do their part in protecting our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them. By being mindful of our actions and taking steps to reduce our impact on the environment, we can help ensure that incidents like this do not happen again.