Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell re-arrested amid police investigation into SNP funding and finances | Politics News

Peter Murrell, the husband of Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, has been re-arrested as part of a police investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party (SNP). This news has sent shockwaves through the political landscape in Scotland, with many questioning the integrity and transparency of the ruling party.

Murrell, who is the chief executive of the SNP, was initially arrested in July in connection with the investigation. He was released without charge at the time, but has now been re-arrested on suspicion of perjury. The investigation is said to be looking into allegations of financial impropriety within the party, including claims of mismanagement of funds and potential breaches of electoral law.

The timing of Murrell’s re-arrest is particularly damaging for the SNP, as it comes just weeks before the crucial Scottish parliamentary elections in May. The party has been riding high in the polls, with Sturgeon’s leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic garnering widespread praise. However, this latest scandal threatens to overshadow their campaign and raise serious questions about their credibility.

Opposition parties have been quick to pounce on the news, with Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar calling for a full investigation into the SNP’s finances. He has accused the party of “cronyism and corruption” and called for greater transparency in their dealings.

The SNP has denied any wrongdoing and has insisted that they are cooperating fully with the police investigation. Sturgeon herself has distanced herself from the allegations, stating that she had no involvement in her husband’s business affairs and that she was unaware of any impropriety.

However, the damage has already been done, with the SNP facing intense scrutiny and criticism over their handling of the situation. The re-arrest of Murrell has only served to deepen the cloud of suspicion hanging over the party, and it remains to be seen how they will weather this storm in the lead-up to the elections.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the SNP said: “We categorically deny any wrongdoing and will continue to cooperate fully with the police investigation. We are confident that the truth will come to light and that we will be cleared of any wrongdoing.”

The unfolding scandal is a major blow to the SNP’s reputation and could have far-reaching implications for the party’s future. With the elections looming, they will need to work hard to restore public trust and confidence in their leadership. The coming weeks will be crucial in determining the political fallout from this latest development, and all eyes will be on the SNP as they navigate this challenging period.