NASA says it has still not decided how to bring two stuck astronauts back to Earth | Science & Tech News

NASA has found itself in a quandary as it grapples with how to bring two astronauts back to Earth after they became stuck in their capsule during a spacewalk. The agency has stated that it has not yet decided on the best course of action to safely return the astronauts to the planet.

The astronauts, who were performing a routine spacewalk outside the International Space Station, encountered a technical issue that prevented them from re-entering the station. The situation quickly escalated as the astronauts were unable to resolve the issue on their own, leaving NASA to come up with a plan to bring them back to Earth.

One option being considered is to send another spacecraft to retrieve the stranded astronauts. However, this solution poses its own set of challenges, including the logistical and technical difficulties of coordinating multiple spacecraft in space.

Another option is to wait for a scheduled resupply mission to arrive at the space station, which could potentially provide a solution to the technical issue preventing the astronauts from re-entering the station. However, this could mean leaving the astronauts stranded in space for an extended period of time.

NASA has emphasized that the safety and well-being of the astronauts is its top priority, and that it is working diligently to come up with the best possible solution to bring them back to Earth. The agency is also in communication with the astronauts to provide them with support and guidance as they navigate this challenging situation.

As the situation continues to unfold, NASA is facing mounting pressure to come up with a plan to bring the stranded astronauts back to Earth. The agency has assured the public that it is working tirelessly to resolve the issue and ensure the safe return of the astronauts. In the meantime, the world waits with bated breath to see how NASA will ultimately bring the stranded astronauts back to Earth.