General Election: Countdown almost over to Sky News leaders’ special event | Politics News

With just days to go until the General Election, all eyes are on the Sky News leaders’ special event, which is set to take place on Wednesday evening. This event will see all major party leaders face off in a series of head-to-head debates, giving voters a final chance to see how they stack up against each other before casting their ballots on Thursday.

The event is expected to be a crucial moment in the campaign, with polls showing a tight race between the Conservative Party led by Boris Johnson and the Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn. The debate will provide an opportunity for the leaders to make their final pitches to the public, outlining their visions for the country and addressing key issues such as Brexit, the economy, and the NHS.

In addition to Johnson and Corbyn, other party leaders including the Liberal Democrats’ Jo Swinson, the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon, and the Green Party’s Sian Berry will also be taking part in the event. This will give voters a chance to hear from a range of perspectives and compare the different party platforms on offer.

The leaders’ special event comes at a crucial moment in the campaign, with many voters still undecided and the outcome of the election hanging in the balance. The debates will be a key opportunity for the leaders to make their case to the public and persuade voters to support their party on polling day.

With just a few days left until the General Election, the countdown is almost over to the Sky News leaders’ special event. This event is set to be a defining moment in the campaign, with the leaders going head-to-head in a series of debates that could shape the outcome of the election. Voters will be watching closely to see how the leaders perform and to help them make up their minds before heading to the polls on Thursday.