Free school meals should be given to all children in poverty, Lib Dems to say | Politics News

The Liberal Democrats are set to propose a new policy that would provide free school meals to all children living in poverty, regardless of their family’s income. The party believes that no child should go hungry while at school, and that providing free meals to those in need is a crucial step in addressing the issue of child poverty in the UK.

The proposal comes as part of the party’s efforts to tackle child poverty and inequality, which have been exacerbated by the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the latest data from the Trussell Trust, the number of families relying on food banks has increased significantly over the past year, highlighting the urgent need for action to address food insecurity among children.

The Liberal Democrats argue that providing free school meals to all children in poverty is not only a moral imperative, but also a practical solution to help families struggling to make ends meet. Research has shown that children who are well-nourished perform better academically and are more likely to succeed in school, highlighting the importance of ensuring that all children have access to nutritious meals during the school day.

The proposal has received support from a number of charities and advocacy groups, who have long been calling for action to address child poverty in the UK. The Children’s Society, for example, has welcomed the Liberal Democrats’ plan, stating that it would help to ensure that no child is left behind due to poverty.

However, the proposal has also faced criticism from some quarters, with opponents arguing that providing free school meals to all children in poverty would be too costly and could lead to a strain on public finances. The Liberal Democrats have responded by pointing out that the cost of providing free meals to all children in poverty would be offset by the long-term benefits of ensuring that all children have access to nutritious food.

Overall, the Liberal Democrats’ proposal to provide free school meals to all children in poverty is a welcome step towards addressing the issue of child poverty in the UK. By ensuring that all children have access to nutritious meals during the school day, the party is taking a significant step towards creating a more equal and just society for all.