Boris Johnson blames ‘Pied Piper’ Nigel Farage for role in ‘destruction’ of Tories | Politics News

Boris Johnson, the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has recently pointed fingers at Nigel Farage, the former leader of the Brexit Party, for the alleged role he played in the “destruction” of the Conservative Party. Johnson has referred to Farage as the “Pied Piper” who led many voters away from the Tories, resulting in a significant loss of support for the party.

The relationship between Johnson and Farage has always been strained, with both being prominent figures in the Brexit movement but having differing approaches and ideologies. Farage has been a vocal critic of Johnson’s Brexit deal, arguing that it does not deliver on the promises made during the referendum campaign. He has also accused Johnson of betraying the Leave voters by agreeing to a deal that keeps the UK closely aligned with the EU.

In response, Johnson has blamed Farage for splitting the Leave vote in the 2019 general election, which ultimately led to a hung parliament and forced the Conservatives to form a coalition government with the Democratic Unionist Party. Johnson believes that if Farage had not run candidates in key constituencies, the Tories would have won a majority and Brexit would have been delivered much sooner.

The rift between Johnson and Farage has widened in recent months, with the latter forming a new party called the Reform Party to challenge the Conservatives in future elections. Farage has vowed to continue fighting for a clean break from the EU and has criticized Johnson for not being tough enough in negotiations with Brussels.

The blame game between Johnson and Farage is likely to continue as both leaders try to position themselves as the true champions of Brexit. While Johnson is currently in power, Farage remains a significant force in British politics and could potentially sway voters away from the Conservatives in future elections.

Overall, the feud between Johnson and Farage highlights the deep divisions within the Brexit movement and the challenges faced by the Conservative Party in maintaining its support base. As the UK continues to navigate its post-Brexit future, the relationship between these two influential figures will be crucial in shaping the country’s political landscape.