BBC removes Doctor Who-themed Children in Need advert that starred Southport stabbing suspect | UK News

The BBC has recently come under fire for removing a Doctor Who-themed Children in Need advert that featured a man who is now a suspect in a stabbing incident in Southport.

The advert, which was set to air during the annual charity telethon, featured the Doctor Who character Jodie Whittaker alongside other famous faces from the show. However, it was quickly pulled from the lineup after it was discovered that one of the actors in the advert, 23-year-old Reece Dempster, is now a suspect in a stabbing that took place in Southport earlier this month.

Dempster was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a 21-year-old man was found with stab wounds to his chest and back. He has since been released on bail pending further investigation.

The decision to remove the advert from the Children in Need lineup was met with mixed reactions from fans of the show. Some praised the BBC for taking swift action in light of the allegations against Dempster, while others criticized the broadcaster for distancing themselves from the actor without waiting for the outcome of the investigation.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the BBC said: “We have removed the Doctor Who-themed Children in Need advert from the lineup in light of recent events. We take allegations of this nature very seriously and are cooperating fully with the authorities in their investigation.”

Children in Need is an annual charity telethon that raises money for disadvantaged children and young people in the UK. The event typically features a mix of musical performances, celebrity appearances, and special sketches from popular TV shows.

The decision to remove the Doctor Who advert from the lineup is a stark reminder of the challenges that broadcasters face when dealing with allegations of criminal behavior involving those associated with their programs. In this case, the BBC made the difficult decision to prioritize the safety and well-being of their viewers and the wider public by pulling the advert from the broadcast.